Scientology Goals: "A culture without insanity, without criminals, and without war, where the able can prosper and decent people can have rights,
and where man is free to grow to higher heights. These are the goals of Scientology.” - L. Ron Hubbard | Founder of Scientology
"There is only one confidence, and when you lose that confidence, you lose everything you have. And that is the confidence of believing in yourself –
to be, to create, to build whatever status you want to build for yourself. And when you lose that confidence, you lose the only confidence you have..." Read the full tip >>>
“A culture without insanity, without criminals, and without war, where the able can prosper and decent people can have rights, and where man is free to grow to higher heights. These are the goals of Scientology.” L. Ron Hubbard | Scientology
"Today I know how to deal with pressure better, I know how to deal with the employees I have. I always try to project a beautiful appearance.
This course gave me the knowledge and ability to deal with all kinds of confusions and resolve them."
"Dianetics" is an incredibly precise technique that can be used to locate and neutralize the source of psychosomatic illnesses* and illogical or irrational behaviors.
"Because of the concepts I acquired while studying this course, I began to think differently about taking responsibility.
If there are things in my life that I don't like, then I understand that it is possible to fix them by taking responsibility for myself and that I first check whether I am a result or a cause. The course helps me make decisions."
"I realized that I had been holding myself in a prison for many years, a prison of lies, living in a fog, escaping from reality.
I feel like it's time for me to free myself from there. Things and concepts became clearer. For example, I suddenly realized that things that seem marginal and unimportant to us (silence, or not taking responsibility) are indeed important, and that changes the picture enormously. I will continue with this knowledge!"
"I learned about how to manage money
and how to apply it to my life
and I realized that order and organization
are a significant component of success."
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Success Stories
Scientology "Success Through Communication" Course:
" This is an essential course for everyone. Many people experience difficulties in communication. Some have trouble expressing themselves, others feel uncomfortable in certain social situations. Some find it difficult to start a conversation, and others do not know how to end a conversation ...." Tocontinue click here >>>
Success Story - "Overcoming Ups and Downs in Life" Course "As I delved deeper into the subject of the course, I felt a deep need to know more and more and to understand and identify, through the tools and methods that are taught during the course, whether through self-study or with the help of the wonderful team that surrounds me and never abandons me for a moment, the type of people who surround me. In the past week, I began coming to study Scientology every day and every evening, and a strong need arose to delve deeper and know more...." To continue, click here >>>